AgFirst Farm Credit, a bank specializing in lending to farmers, has established two $3,000 annual scholarships at N.C. A&T. The scholarships will be available to agribusiness students, as well as a variety of other majors across the university, this fall.
Applications for the scholarships will be available Aug. 1.
“AgFirst is very interested in partnering with select institutions, including N.C. A&T, that share our interest and values in supporting farmers,” said Olivia Scott, the bank’s senior recruiter for talent acquisition. “This scholarship furthers that partnership.”
Kenrett Jefferson-Moore, Ph.D., chairperson of the Department of Agribusiness, Applied Economics and Agriscience Education, said that her department is pleased about the partnership.
“We are excited to hear that AgFirst Farm Credit is committed to supporting our agribusiness and agricultural education programs with a wonderful scholarship opportunity,” she said. “This contribution will go a long way in developing the nation’s future agricultural leaders.”
In addition to the scholarships, the bank made a $5,000 donation to the university’s Office of Career Services.
For information on how to make a gift to the college, contact Justin Lewter, director of development, at 336-285-3055 or