CAES student leaders celebrating that ranking are Lia Artis (Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society), Taylor Peele (advisory council chair) and Hadiya Smart (Poultry Science Club); left standing, Cheray White (Family and Consumer Science Club), Tahirah Jones (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences) and Taylor Mitchell (Earth and Environmental Science Club).
The College of Agriculture and Environmental Science’s (CAES) Student Advisory Council is composed of student leaders in organizations and student government roles, seeking to provide valuable insight and perspective to the college.
Throughout the year, students will focus on cultivating a positive collegiate experience for all CAES students by identifying their needs, conducting meetings with CAES administration, and coordinating events that strengthen the connection of all students within the college.
The officers for this year’s council include Taylor Peele (chair), Tahirah Jones (vice chair), Ciara Brown (secretary), Hadiya Smart (treasurer), Taylor Mitchell (community service officer), and Milosh McAdoo (communications officer.)
Meet some of the students who are involved with the council:
Taylor Mitchell, a senior in environmental studies, is president of the Environmental Science Club.
“As the community service officer on the Dean’s Council, I am to lead the community service initiatives for the college. I believe this role can be a great opportunity for the students of CAES to meet each other out of the classroom and be of service to the Greensboro Community,” she said.
Milosh McAdoo, a junior in animal science (animal industry), is president of the N.C. A&T Collegiate Farm Bureau.
“Serving on the CAES Student Advisory Council positions me to connect with other leaders within the college to advocate on behalf of our organizations and the students within them. I hope to learn from all the folks within the council and continue strengthening our college,” said McAdoo.
Aliyah Thompson, a senior in animal science with a chemistry minor, is president of the N.C. A&T Pre-Veterinary Medical-Association.
“By being a member of the CAES Student Advisory Council, I hope to work with the council members and Dean Ahmedna to discover different ways we can increase awareness of all opportunities and activities regarding the CAES,” said Thompson.
Tahirah Jones, a junior in animal science (animal industry), is president of the N.C. A&T chapter of Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS.)
“As a council member, I hope to become a successful advocate for CAES students,” she said. I will share any concerns or questions with the Dean as they arise and figure out how to resolve those issues so they can become more productive students.”
Taylor Peele, a sophomore in food science, is SGA Senator of the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences.
“As a council member, I have learned how to be an advocate for topics that matter to the CAES students. Having this opportunity to interact with administrators has greatly prepared me for effective communication and collaboration in the workplace,” she said.
Cheray White, a senior in information technology is president of the Family and Consumer Sciences Club.
“The quote that resonates with me is ‘Change brings opportunity,’ which means my role as a part of the CAES council can bring change which leads to different opportunities for the council, council members, and myself. The opportunity to be a part of this council has taught me more about this college.”
Jaimeera Egerton-Amy, a sophomore in animal science, is a CAES Senator.
“To sit as a council member helps me be able to come up with ideas to help other students engage and explore opportunities with their major,” she said. “It also allows me to help contribute to change within our CAES.”
Hadiya Smart, a senior in animal science, is president of the Poultry Science Club.
“As an organization leader, I often forget or overlook other clubs within the College of Ag. Being a council member has allowed me to connect with other organization presidents who aspire to do the same thing, which is spread knowledge, inspire and provide a space for members to grow within the community and agriculture.”
Ciara Brown, a junior in food and nutritional sciences with a biology minor, is president of the Food and Nutritional Sciences Club.
“I am so excited to work with the Dean and to implement new programs that will benefit the students and encourage incoming students to be involved in the CAES student organization!” she said.
The council also includes Spencer Gutowsky, president of Aggies for Natural Consumption and Living, and Lia Artis of Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society.
Compiled by Milosh McAdoo, student advisory council communications officer